Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

During her husband's campaign in 1982, Rodham began to use the name Hillary Clinton.

After her husband became a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination of 1992, Hillary Clinton received national attention for the first time.

Hillary Clinton made remarks about Tammy Wynette and baking cookies during the campaign that were ill-considered by her own admission.

Later saying she had been misled by her husband's initial claims that no affair had taken place, Hillary Clinton stated at the time that the allegations against her husband were the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Both Clintons' memoirs later stated that the revelation of the affair was a very painful time in their marriage; Hillary Clinton faced both support and criticism for remaining in the marriage.

Hillary Clinton received an "A" on the Drum Major Institute's 2005 Congressional Scorecard on middle-class issues.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in numerous controversies involving allegations of legal, financial, or ethical wrongdoings, notably official enquiries into her business dealings in Arkansas and her involvement in the administration of her husband, as well as controversial public and private statements that attracted media attention.

Hillary Clinton has been given numerous awards and honors related to her public service.

Hillary for President

Dear Zephaniah,

U.S. Attorneys fired for trying to uphold the law. Government scientists silenced for telling the truth. Secret White House e-mail accounts. Secret wiretaps. Secret military tribunals. And a war that George Bush catastrophically mismanaged, a war that has cost nearly $500 billion dollars and taken a human toll beyond measure.

Ready for change? Me too. I'm ready to push the restart button on the 21st century. Ready to say goodbye to Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzalez, Karl Rove, and George Bush.

When I'm president, I'll work to make you proud every day. I'll work to make health care coverage available to everyone. I'll restore America's leadership in the world. I'll create good jobs and fight climate change, focusing on clean energy solutions. And if President Bush has not ended the war in Iraq by the time I am sworn in as president, I will.

But first we have to pass our next big test: Saturday's FEC fundraising deadline. After June 30, all eyes will be on us, sifting through our FEC reports, trying to determine if we have real grassroots strength. Will you step up today to help us pass this test?

Click to contribute:

Don't get me wrong -- this isn't just about showing our strength. It's also about making sure we can follow through on our strategy to win the White House.

If we want to win, we need to set aggressive goals -- and meet them. We need to be ready to respond to anything the Republicans throw at us. I don't mind being the target of their attacks -- I'm pretty used to it by now! But I know that to beat them, we need to make sure we have all the resources we need to respond.

We know they're not going to hold back. They're not going to let truth get in the way. So will you stand with me? Will you help make sure we're prepared to face whatever the Republican attack machine throws out?

Believe me, your contribution can and will make the difference. We can only fight back if we have a strong base of support we can rely on.

Will you support my campaign with a contribution today?

Click to contribute:

For the next year and a half, we're going to face a lot more bad decisions from George Bush. I'm going to push back all that I can. But if we want change, we have to work together to make it happen.

There's no better time to get involved than now, before the June 30 deadline.

Thank you so much for your continuing support.

Hillary Rodham Clinton


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