Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

During her husband's campaign in 1982, Rodham began to use the name Hillary Clinton.

After her husband became a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination of 1992, Hillary Clinton received national attention for the first time.

Hillary Clinton made remarks about Tammy Wynette and baking cookies during the campaign that were ill-considered by her own admission.

Later saying she had been misled by her husband's initial claims that no affair had taken place, Hillary Clinton stated at the time that the allegations against her husband were the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Both Clintons' memoirs later stated that the revelation of the affair was a very painful time in their marriage; Hillary Clinton faced both support and criticism for remaining in the marriage.

Hillary Clinton received an "A" on the Drum Major Institute's 2005 Congressional Scorecard on middle-class issues.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in numerous controversies involving allegations of legal, financial, or ethical wrongdoings, notably official enquiries into her business dealings in Arkansas and her involvement in the administration of her husband, as well as controversial public and private statements that attracted media attention.

Hillary Clinton has been given numerous awards and honors related to her public service.

Hillary for President

Deadline: June 30
Dear Zephaniah,

I hope you enjoyed the Sopranos spoof Hillary and I did last week. Campaigns should be fun, but they are also serious business -- especially now.

America is ready for change, and we need a president ready to lead on day one. Ready to end the war in Iraq and restore America's standing in the world. Ready to control health care costs and provide coverage for everyone. Ready to create good jobs and fight climate change by building a clean-energy economy.

Hillary can be a great president, but she needs your support to win. And she needs it now as we come down to the wire in the last critical days of this quarter. Come June 30, all the campaigns will be measured on what they raised in the last three months. We have to raise more online before then to show her strength and keep her campaign going.

Can you pitch in for Hillary today?

Click to contribute:

The fact is, our opponents may very well outraise us -- and we can't afford to lose momentum now.

Not when 45 million Americans are without health care. Not when wages are flat, consumer debt is rising, and children are living in poverty. Not when college education is still beyond the reach of so many Americans. And not when thousands of soldiers are still fighting in Iraq.

Hillary is the best candidate for president because she'll stand up for them -- she already does every day in the Senate.

She's also the best candidate to beat the Republican machine. You know Hillary will never let a swift boat-style attack go unanswered. Even when they outspent her two-to-one in her Senate campaign, she still came out on top -- in a landslide. And when she ran for reelection, she won almost 60 percent of the votes in New York counties that went for President Bush in 2004. When Republicans saw what she did, instead of what her opponents said about her, they voted for her too.

Click to contribute:

When I met her more than 35 years ago, I thought Hillary had the best combination of mind and heart I'd ever seen -- and I still do. But it's going to take every dollar to make sure that Americans get to know the real Hillary, like I do.

The Hillary who turned down high-paying jobs out of law school to help children. The Hillary who worked tirelessly as First Lady to make America a leader in the world and a better place for all its citizens. The Hillary who fought for 9/11 rescue workers and their families as a senator. The Hillary who's got the best plans and most experience to bring the troops home, solve the health care crisis, and create good jobs in a clean-energy economy.

Hillary needs your help today to bring change to America. Please help us reach our goal by Saturday's deadline. Help put Hillary in the White House. Together, we can make it happen.


Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton


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