Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

During her husband's campaign in 1982, Rodham began to use the name Hillary Clinton.

After her husband became a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination of 1992, Hillary Clinton received national attention for the first time.

Hillary Clinton made remarks about Tammy Wynette and baking cookies during the campaign that were ill-considered by her own admission.

Later saying she had been misled by her husband's initial claims that no affair had taken place, Hillary Clinton stated at the time that the allegations against her husband were the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Both Clintons' memoirs later stated that the revelation of the affair was a very painful time in their marriage; Hillary Clinton faced both support and criticism for remaining in the marriage.

Hillary Clinton received an "A" on the Drum Major Institute's 2005 Congressional Scorecard on middle-class issues.

Hillary Clinton has been involved in numerous controversies involving allegations of legal, financial, or ethical wrongdoings, notably official enquiries into her business dealings in Arkansas and her involvement in the administration of her husband, as well as controversial public and private statements that attracted media attention.

Hillary Clinton has been given numerous awards and honors related to her public service.

Hillary for President

Dear Zephaniah,

The wait is over. I am happy to announce that all the votes are in and the contest to choose our campaign song is over. Hillary wanted me to tell you how inspired she was by all your suggestions, and we're definitely going to be using all the songs on the campaign trail. And now, the moment you've been waiting for. The winner is...

C'mon, you didn't think I was going to make it that easy, did you? Visit our website to listen to the winning song:


And make sure you don't miss Hillary's latest video introducing the winner. This one is my favorite yet.


Thanks for your support!

Patti Solis Doyle
Campaign Manager
Hillary for President


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